Hot to Trot on the Heysen: record run

TrailRunMag 21.05.2014

Adventure runner Richard Bowles has completed his latest endurance feat, notching a new record for running the 1200km Heysen Trail, in South Australia.

The Melbourne-based runner set out from Parachilna Gorge in the desert north of the state on 4th May, eventually reaching the trail’s spectacular end at Cape Jervis to complete his record run in 14 days, 8 hours and 32 minutes. If done in one stretch (less than 70 or so have) it is usually walked in 50-60 days.

Richard averaged 85 km a day on what was a  challenging trail with hundreds of mountain climbs and rough, rocky trail underfoot. His record beats the previous by 20 days.

He ran to promote the work of Red Dust Role Models. Red Dust state it is essential to the social development of Indigenous people in remote communities. Its health promotion strategies improve and transform lives and have a sustainable impact on social, economic and environmental conditions.

Donate funds to the cause at

Check out a few images from the run at:

Here’s a taste of Rich’s journey along the Heysen Trail in three parts: